Jan Bakker took over from Simon den Hartigh as CEO of TTA and Eurogroep

On the 2nd of April, Jan Bakker took over from Simon den Hartigh as CEO of TTA and Eurogroep. Jan Bakker is the company’s former Technical Director and will be responsible for the operational activities of TTA and the Eurogroep companies from this moment forward.

With Bram Verschoor as Commercial Director, management will be twofold from now on. Thanks to this and other recent structural changes, the companies will be better equipped to facilitate their future growth plans and capitalize on the dynamic market in which they operate.

In 2017, a start was made with these structural changes by creating a core team – consisting of several disciplines – for each company. Every team is made up of highly competent and experienced engineers who are involved with the execution of a project from idea through to realization. Overlap between processes and fields of expertise makes customers benefit from synergy between the companies. Thanks to their new focus, TTA and Eurogroep will be able to provide customers with the highest quality and service levels – both today and tomorrow.

The developments allow owner Simon den Hartigh to channel his efforts into business development, supportive projects, and the long-term visions of the different companies. In his supervisory capacity, he will remain closely affiliated with the organization.